Manchester, 30 Sept 2024:

The General Medical Council, GMC broke all boundaries of rules and shame today.

Two years ago, Sasha Rodoy openly threatened the judges in the case of Dr Jindal as the false cases she had brought feel apart. The panel recused itself and the whole hearing was dismissed costing millions of public money.

Not only that two years have been wasted in addition to the five years delay already. Sasha was banned from attending any GMC hearings by the panel. However, it has been discovered that the whole thing was a set up and that Sasha Rodoy works hand in glove with the GMC on this multi million compensation cases. Despite what happened two years ago, Sasha Rodoy via a special provision in the GMC has been actually invited to attend the hearing again which is restarting on Tuesday. This has sent shockwaves in the medical fraternity.

75% of doctors taken to GMC are from Pakistan or India and the GMC is known to be heavily racist against them and the threshold for taking any Indian or Pakistani doctor to the FTP hearing is extremely low compared to any Local white doctor. This incident has become a new benchmark off the level to which the GMC can stoop to achieve racist sadism by targeting innocent high profile doctors of Indian or Pakistani origin and making sure they do not progress higher than their local white doctors.

I personally contacted the general medical Council CEO, legal team and also the lawyers of both sides. There is a silence from the GMC side and they refused to comment- perhaps they have nothing left to comment since the action of inviting Rodoy in the hearing speaks of their intentions loud and clear.

It is suggested that they should not even have a hearing and should just hold people guilty whoever they want to. Why even have the eyewash of a hearing. What is the need for that?

Why weigh so much time money and energy for an eyewash and the decisions are already taken by the GMC.

Just to also bring to your attention the level of eyewash:

  • The MPTS is a division of the GMC.
  • The judges of MPTS are paid by the GMC.

If any complaint is made against the MPTS in the court or elsewhere, it is defined by Gmc and not MPTS – the most overt evidence of collusion. In normal circumstances , what Sasha did should have been reported to the police and an arrest made at the very minimum however the Gmc defended her actions by calling her back into the same hearing.

Whatever decision is told to the MPTS by the GMC, will be given by its puppet, MPTS, and the whole hearings are just an exercise to justify what Gmc has already decided. There is not much point in reporting this hearing of Dr Jindal as the judgement has already been taken by the GMC as evidenced by above.

It’s sad that the Asian doctors in UK are treated like this and until they rise, the British colonial system will stay.

The General Medical Council (GMC), the United Kingdom’s medical regulatory authority, has found itself at the center of an explosive scandal involving its active collaboration with Sasha Rodoy, an alleged extortionist posing as a patient advocate. This scheme, aimed at framing an innocent doctor, has exposed deep-seated corruption within the GMC, calling into question its integrity, fairness, and commitment to justice—particularly for non-British doctors who seem to be disproportionately targeted by these manipulative schemes.

This scandal has laid bare a culture of collusion, extortion, and systemic exploitation, casting a long shadow over the GMC’s regulatory processes. These revelations have sent shockwaves through the medical community, raising alarm bells about how foreign doctors, particularly Indian doctors, are being unfairly targeted and victimized.


GMC officials and legal teams engage in a controversial hearing, with accusations of collusion and extortion overshadowing the proceedings


Background of Indian Doctors racially harassed by the GMC

The GMC are barely out of the case of Dr MA where they suspended an Indian doctor for asking for a laptop from her department- a case rated as the most blatant example of Institutional Racism and Harassment. The Entire BAPIO and Indian community was up in arms against the GMC & the NHS forcing it to apologise and not just reverse the suspension but also apologise and face a major embarrassment

In 2018 another ludicrous case was lodged about Dr PJ mentioning that another ludicrous allegation by a patient advocate, Sasha Rodoy who is not even a patient of Dr PJ. She lodged one patient stating a decade after their surgery that the patient remembered that he never actually met his surgeon and that the surgeon’s son possibly did his surgery. Simultaneously, she lodged a £500k (half a million pound) compensation claim (please see my earlier posts to read the detail).

Despite such nonsensical allegations, the GMC not only listed the case for a hearing but also asked Sasha Rodoy and her extortion business partner, Nicola Dowling, to find more such patients who could say the same- both Sasha and Nicola being close friends of the FTP members.

Sasha obliged them and provided them three more patients of Dr PJ a year after her initial letter to the GMC and GMC listed all four patients even without checking. The FTP head however saw that two patients were such rogues and blatantly lieng that the MPTS dismissed two and allowed two to go forward, called Greg Brady and Sandy Miller.

The hearing happened and Sasha was losing so she went to the room of the judges and threatened the judges with dire consequences. The Judges recused from the hearing but the GMC continued to support Sasha Rodoy and invited her to a repeat hearing with open arms.


The Mastermind Behind the Scheme: Sasha Rodoy’s Web of Manipulation

At the core of this scandal, Sasha Rodoy, is a woman with a background in psychology, who has honed her expertise to manipulate patients and the medical regulatory system for financial gain. Far from being the patient advocate she claims to be, Rodoy has been revealed as the orchestrator of a scheme designed to exploit the vulnerabilities of doctors, especially foreign doctors, in order to extort large financial settlements.

Rodoy’s tactics are insidious. She trains patients to fabricate claims of medical misconduct years after their surgeries, instructing them to allege that they never met their surgeons—a particularly devastating accusation for doctors. With hundreds or even thousands of surgeries performed annually, recalling specific patient interactions from years ago is nearly impossible for any doctor. This inability to disprove these claims leaves doctors defenceless, opening the door for false allegations to succeed.


The GMC’s Role: Enabling and Abetting Rodoy’s Schemes

The GMC, which is meant to act as an impartial regulatory body protecting both patients and doctors, has been deeply implicated in Rodoy’s schemes. In a recent high-profile case, Rodoy brought forward four patients to testify against a doctor, accusing the surgeon of misconduct. Shockingly, two of these patients were dismissed by the GMC after their claims were proven fraudulent. Despite this clear evidence of manipulation, the GMC inexplicably allowed the hearing to continue, largely due to Rodoy’s influential connections within the council.

The GMC’s decision to proceed, even after fraudulent claims had been exposed, demonstrates a disturbing bias and complicity in Rodoy’s extortionist activities. Instead of protecting the doctor and dismissing the case, the council’s persistence suggests that Rodoy wields undue influence over its decision-making processes.  


Intimidation and Threats: Rodoy’s Desperation Tactics

As the GMC hearing progressed and it became increasingly clear that the case was not going in her favor, Rodoy escalated her tactics. Sensingng defeat in 2022 proceedings, she went so far as to threaten jury members, confronting them at their hotel and forcing them to recuse themselves from the proceedings. These threats, which were clearly aimed at undermining the legal process, have gone unpunished by the GMC. Astonishingly, Rodoy continues to be involved in the case.


GMC Supporting Sasha Despite Threats of her to Judges:

Rodoy’s tactics highlight her desperation to ensure a favorable outcome for her extortion scheme. Despite clear evidence of misconduct, the GMC not only ignored her threats but is actively campaigning for her to be given permission to attend hearings in the GMC including the present case, actively showing hand in glove.


Financial Extortion at the Core of the Scheme

Sasha Rodoy’s campaign is driven by financial extortion. She, along with her media collaborator Nicola Dowling, has systematically benefitted from the GMC’s regulatory framework to advance her personal financial interests. A key component of Rodoy’s scheme is leveraging personal injury lawsuits alongside the GMC process. In this particular case, Rodoy is seeking £250,000 in damages from the targeted doctor, contingent upon the GMC finding in her favor.


An innocent doctor caught in the crosshairs: Facing false allegations and the pressure of a long, drawn-out hearing.


The GMC’s Direct Involvement in Financial Exploitation

Perhaps the most damning revelation in this entire scandal is the GMC’s direct involvement in enabling these extortion schemes. Far from being an impartial regulator, the GMC appears to have a financial stake in these cases, allowing individuals like Rodoy to manipulate the system at the expense of innocent doctors.

The GMC’s legal team has defended Rodoy and her collaborator Dowling, painting them as credible. This endorsement, despite the clear evidence of extortion and fraud, shows that the GMC is more concerned with preserving its relationship with Rodoy than delivering justice. Foreign doctors, particularly those from India, are being disproportionately targeted by this corrupt system, with the GMC facilitating their exploitation and financial extortion.

Systemic Targeting of Indian Doctors: A Pattern of Abuse

The exposure of this scandal has also shed light on a broader issue within the UK medical system—the systematic targeting of Indian doctors. Evidence has surfaced showing that Indian doctors are being singled out by the GMC, subjected to fabricated claims, and trapped in financial and legal battles designed to prevent them from advancing in their careers.

Indian doctors, many of whom have spent years building their reputations and contributing to the UK healthcare system, are particularly vulnerable to these extortion schemes. The GMC, far from protecting these professionals, has become a tool for those seeking to destroy their careers and extract financial settlements. This systemic abuse is not an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern of discrimination and exploitation against foreign doctors in the UK.

Sasha Rodoy & Nicola Dowling, the orchestrators of the extortion scheme, using her psychological expertise to manipulate the system for financial gain..


The Future of Medical Regulation in the UK: A Crossroads

The GMC is now at a critical juncture. With its reputation in tatters and its credibility under fire, it must decide whether it will take the necessary steps to restore public trust or continue down the path of collusion and corruption. The future of medical regulation in the UK hangs in the balance, and the world is watching.

The medical community demands answers, and the GMC must face the consequences of its actions. Without swift accountability, the UK healthcare system risks descending into further chaos, where doctors—particularly foreign doctors—are left vulnerable to false claims and extortion, with little hope of defending their reputations or careers.

The revelations from this investigation mark a turning point in the UK’s medical regulatory landscape. If justice is to prevail, the GMC must undergo a complete overhaul, rooting out the corrupt practices that have tainted its operations and protecting doctors from extortion and exploitation.


London, UK: 13 September 2024:  A growing controversy has emerged surrounding the General Medical Council (GMC), as allegations of misconduct and collusion surface during a tribunal case involving Dr. Jindal, an Indian doctor accused of an unusual and unverified allegation involving his presence in Spain and his son’s involvement in surgery.


Two years ago, the tribunal was abruptly dismissed when the jury, citing threats and aggressive intimidation, recused itself from the proceedings. The threats were reportedly made by two individuals, Sasha Rodoy and Nicola Dowling, both known extortionists, according to multiple sources.

Sasha Rodoy, a vocal and controversial figure in this case, has maintained close ties with the GMC, raising concerns about the impartiality of the tribunal process. Despite aggressive tactics employed by Rodoy, the GMC has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing on her part. During the tribunal, when the jury formally requested Rodoy be banned from further hearings due to her behavior, the GMC complied, but only partially, allowing her to continue operations outside of the tribunal, further stoking allegations of undue influence.

Ms. Rodoy has garnered significant attention for her involvement, maintaining an active presence at hearings and using various methods to bypass restrictions, including reportedly attending under others’ identities. Despite these actions, the GMC has reversed its stance, initially condemning her behavior but later referring to her as a “noble” figure, thereby permitting her attendance at future hearings.

The ongoing situation has cast a shadow over the integrity of the GMC and the tribunal process, with Rodoy now set to reveal further details regarding the postponement of last year’s hearing, which Ms Rodoy has confirmed, that it was requested by Dr. Jindal due to personal matters.

This case has sparked debate within the medical community and beyond, questioning the transparency and fairness of the GMC’s procedures, particularly in its dealings with figures like Rodoy, who continues to exert influence over sensitive proceedings.

The show goes on.

It is no secret that Sasha Rodoy has been targeting a specific clinic in the UK, Accuvision, that is run by a group of Asians. What has now come to light is that she is actually funded by its key competitor, Dr Sheraz Daya, and the evidence of which will be posted here in a few days.




I wrote to him for his candid reply to which I received a legal notice threatening me, Excerpts are attached below:

Subject: Claim against Accuvision [KEN-Legal.FID439****]

Sharon Laker <**********> wrote:

Dear Sumeet Verma

We are instructed on behalf of Mr Sheraz Daya under a reservation of rights. We are in receipt of a copy of your email of 04.07.22 and are instructed to respond on Mr Daya’s behalf.

What can be stated is that Mr Daya has never ‘coached’ any patient to go to Accuvision claiming a loss of vision nor instructed them to decline examination but to insist on seeing an ophthalmologist rather than an optometrist.

There is no ‘issue’ or ‘dispute’ with Accuvision or Mr Daryus Panthakey.

Mr Daya does know Sasha Rodoy through her work as a patient advocate .  Ms Rodoy has in the past referred patients to Mr Daya who required second opinions.

Some of the statements in your correspondence could have the effect of lowering the reputation of those involved. Your threat to publish such an article(s) is seriously troubling.

Please therefore confirm in writing that you will cease and desist from further communications of this nature and will not publish any articles or materials on this basis.



Sharon Laker
Associate (FCILEx)
for Kennedys


My reply:

Dear Ms.Laker
I am not affected by your threats. If I were to get scared by people like yourself, then I could not practice my profession. Media and press are the eyes and ears of the people and it is paramount that we report the truth and nothing but the truth.
Coming to your client, Mr. Sheraz Daya, we have been investigating this further. It has come to our knowledge that at least one of the patients admitted to the court, that he was specifically coached by Mr Sheraz Daya to go to Accuvision and claim to have lost his vision but not to let his eyes get checked. This was hence a planned conspiracy to discredit a clinic that was a competitor. The statement of the patient is recorded and of course, will be published in the news shortly.
We also note his special relationship with Ms. Sasha Rodoy who despite being an anti-LASIK campaigner has been close to Mr.Sheraz Daya and getting him patients (as per your own admission). Ms Rodoy has in the past referred patients to Mr Daya who required second opinions. 
The case is a classic example of how Dr. Daya is manipulating campaigns against his key competitors. It is quite an obvious fact that Ms. Rodoy is acting on behalf of your client and doing vexatious things from maligning his competitors. You have admitted that there is a commercial relationship between Ms. Rodoy and Dr Daya and we will soon be exposing it.
I would appreciate it if you could give a reply at the earliest possible to clarify this as we will be doing a special edition on Sheraz Daya and his nexus to spread false news and manipulate the market.
Kind regards
Sumeet Verma
Senior reporter
Press Trust of India

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